Service & Support

Spare Parts, Manuals, Downloads

Spare Parts

All available spare parts and accessories can be purchased through our online shop.

To the store

For older turntables, you can order spare parts via an external Service Partner.

To the external partner


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Please contact our support team if you cannot find the required manual for products after 2004 at A PDF file will be sent to you via E-Mail. Manuals for products prior to 2004 will be added to this database over time but are not available through our support team.

Audio Products

Classic Devices

Classic Cassette deck

Classic Turntables

Classic Tuner

Classic Ampflifier

Classic Receiver

All in one System

Downloads: Brochures

The download section for information on current products. Content for historic products will be added over time.

For foreign language contents Google Translate can be used.

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